The 3 Things You Must Take Care Of To Be Organized and Energized

I don’t believe being organized means you have to have the the museum sterile minimalist home, and I don’t believe in ONLY having perfectly designed closets with $1000 worth of baskets and containers to qualify you as having your shit together (even though that’s my favorite last touch to put in). But I do believe in strengthening a routine that energizes you and cuts out the unnecessary tasks that drain you or do not fulfill your purpose and I believe in conditioning ourselves in making powerful decisions about what we can let go of- our things, our emotions, our past, money already spent, and sometimes people.

Everything you do to get organized should be in support of 3 things: your energy, your goals, and your stability.

I find that of those 3, we need organization in order to have and protect them all, and when one is depleted or ignored, we feel bad or feel off. I have ALWAYS had energy and been a huge goal-getter. But the part of the triangle I neglected for so long, even while taking care of others, was my stability. I compromised organizing that part of my triangle and therefore my life would be chaos, because I didn’t organize my basic needs. I remember at one point, several years ago, going to the house of a client that was a C-suite executive for a major biopharmaceutical company to teach them how to clear clutter and laser focus on what was important to them, and meanwhile, I had slept the night before on a couch in my office and washed myself in the sink because I did not find an apartment in time before I had to move out and I didn’t have money for a couple weeks at a hotel. How could I do so well on one end and fail so miserably on another? After embarrassingly telling my aunt I didn’t have an address where she could even send me a card, it hit me: organizing my basic needs was the most important thing I HAD to do in my life to move forward. So, I hid sleeping on the couch at the office for 2 more weeks, crushed it in sales, cut out any unnecessary task that wouldn’t get me there, and moved into an incredible apartment one block from the water in Venice.

When you’re organized, you’re energized.

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